El valor de un proyecto común

Legal Advise


I. The use, search and/or contracting of any service set forth in our Site www.corporacionhms.com implies the complete acceptance, without any reservations of these General Conditions, which regulate the legal relationship arising dealing processes made between users and/or customers of the Site www.ajusa.online property of Corporación HMS (hereinafter HMS). Customers accept these General Conditions the moment they use or purchase any product. This document may be printed to be read or saved by the customers before acceptance.

II. The present General Conditions, are subject to the enforcement of the following Spanish legislation: Act 7/1998 on April 13 on Contractual General Conditions, Royal Decree-Law 1/2007 on November 16 passing a Rewritten Text on Consumers and Users Protection Act and other supplementary acts, Royal Decree 1906/1999 on the 17th of December 1999 regulating Telephone or Electronic Contracting with general conditions, Personal Data Protection Organic Law 15/1999 on December 13, and its Implementing Regulation, Retail Commerce Management Act 7/1996 on January 15, Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act 34/2002 on July.

III. Amendment of the General Conditions. HMS shall amend these General Conditions upon reasonable notice to its customers for the purpose of improving the services and products offered through HMS. The amendment of the General Conditions set forth in HMS. Site shall be understood as a notice. At all events, these General Conditions may be consulted before using any service or purchasing products.

IV. Intellectual Property. All the content in this Site (including source code, images, texts, graphics, etc.) are protected by local and foreign legislation on intellectual property in force, being all rights reserved. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce any content on the Site without expressed authorization of HMS and right holders.

By means of purchasing any product, HMS doesn’t grant any right of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication over such product, and reserve all these rights. The transfer of these rights shall require previous written authorization of HMS. Unauthorized use of the information within this Site, its resale, as well as the violation of rights over intellectual or industrial property will result in the legally established liabilities.

V. Use of the service and Liabilities. HMS doesn’t guarantee the permanent availability of the services, being exempted any liability for damages arising the unavailability of the product due to force majeure or errors in transfer networks beyond its control. HMS won’t assume liability for the content of the links to Sites which are property of third parties and therefore are beyond its control.

VI. Data protection. In accordance with section 5 of the Spanish Personal Data Protection Organic Law 15/1999 on December 13, Information Society and Electronic Commerce Service Act 34/2002 on July 11, HMS informs that the personal data given in registration forms included in this site, as well as data accessed by HMS as a consequence of your browsing; search, request or contracting or any transaction or action made this Site will be collected and stored under legislation in force and the liability of: HMS, S.A., Parque Empresarial Ajusa. Ctra. De Ayora Km 2.2. 02006. Albacete. Spain info@corporacionhms.com

The purpose of collecting and processing Personal Data through forms and contact by email on this site is to facilitate the provision of services by HMS through these sites, as well as providing you with information about activities and news which may be of interest.

The remittance of personal data through the forms on this Site or via email messages requiring information or services implies expressed consent of the User to process such data as well as electronic remittance of communications with information about our activities.

Therefore, the User shows expressed consent to the incorporation of Personal Data to Personal Data Files and these data to be processed by HMS for the purposes afore mentioned. User likewise expresses acceptance and authorization so that HMS may transfer Personal Data to those companies which provide services to Ajusa such as banks and insurance companies.

User guarantees that the personal data provided to HMS are real and assume liability of communicating any modification.

HMS makes available for Users the email address info@corporacionhms.com and the telephone (+34) 967 216 212 so that they revoke this consent. HMS confirms the enforcement of the regulation in force in relation to data protection, particularly Spanish Personal Data Protection Act 15/1999 on December 13 and Spanish Royal Decree 1720/2007 on December 21 implementing such law and HMS makes available of Customers the contact means mentioned on the last paragraph so that they exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition granted by the legislation in force.

VII. Security. HMS guarantees taken the appropriate security measures for its premises, systems and files as well as confidential processing of Personal Data under applicable legislation in force, and informs of the implementation of security measures of technical and organizational nature in order to guarantee the security of its personal data and to avoid their alteration, loss and unauthorized processing or access, taking into account the technology status, nature of the data stored and that they may face risks arising both human action and physical or natural environment. This is made under section 9 of the Spanish Personal Data Protection Organic Law and Spanish Royal Decree 1720/2007 on December 21 passing the Implementing Regulation of the Organic Law and the Spanish Information Society and Electronic Commerce Act 34/2002 on July 11.

HMS is committed to treat personal data confidentially and use it exclusively for the mentioned purposes.

VIII. Electronic Commerce Communications. HMS makes available for Users, on their request through subscriptions forms for that purpose, the news, activities and information. The User may unsubscribe this communication service at any time by sending an email to: info@corporacionhms.com.

IX. General Information.Under Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act 34/2002 on July 11, HMS confirms the enforcement of the information duty under the terms provided in this regulation in order to enable both service purchasers and authorized bodies to access in a permanent, easy, direct and free way to the following information: CORPORACIÓN HMS, Parque Empresarial Ajusa. Ctra. De Ayora Km 2.2. 02006. Albacete. Spain www.ajusa.online. Telephone: +34 967 59 01 96. Registration Information in the Companies Registry: Book: 709, FOLIO: 90, PAGE: 1008, FISCAL IDENTITY NUMBER: B-02053726.

X. Information about the use of cookies. The use of this site will be made at the sole and exclusive liability of User. Such liability will be extended to the use by the user or any third party, of any password o similar assigned to access the Site or any of its services. HMS assumes no liability arising the content linked the Site, as long as they are not related to it and doesn’t guarantee the absence of virus or other elements which may produce alterations on hardware and software, on the documents or files of the user excluding any liability for damages to the user arising this reason. HMS refuses any liability arising the wrong use of the content on these sites and reserves the right to them, erase them, establish restrictions or constrain access at any moment in a temporary or permanent way.

XI. Nullity and inefficacy of the clauses. if any clause included in these General Conditions is declared null or ineffective totally or partially such nullity or inefficacy will only affect to such clause or the null or ineffective part,

substituting the rest of General Conditions, considering such clause or part as erased.

XII. Nullity and inefficacy of the clauses. If any clause included in these General Conditions is declared null or ineffective totally or partially such nullity or inefficacy will only affect to such clause or the null or ineffective part, substituting the rest of General Conditions, considering such clause or part as erased.

XIII. Conflicts.

The Spanish legislation will apply to any dispute or conflict, being the Courts and Tribunals in Albacete authorized to solve all conflicts arising it. The access to this site implies the acceptance of every condition expressed in this legal information. HMS shall modify or without prior notice the structure and design of the Site as well as changing or eliminating the services, contents and access and use conditions of the Site and adapt it to any legal change.